November 6, 2024

Pre Commissioning NDT Pigging Mechanical Rotating Equipment Technician Supervisors Well Services Operators/Supervisors QA QC Jobs

Required in Middle East with good rates the following roles with minimum 4 years experience in Oil and Gas

Work Over

. Assistant HWO Operator
. HWO Lead Hand
. HWO Supervisors
. Well Services Operators/Supervisors
. Well Services Operators – WAP
. Well Services Supervisors – WAP

Maintenance :

. Heavy Duty Mechanics

Process and Pipeline Crew :

. Lube Oil Technician
. Nitrogen Leak Testing Supervisors
. Pre Commissioning Technician
. Chemical Cleaning Operators
. Chemical Cleaning Supervisors
. Hydro Test Engineer
. Hydro Test Supervisors
. Hydro Test Technician
. Hydrojetting Operators/Supervisors
. Leak Test Operators
. Leak Test Technician
. Leak Testing Engineer
. Lube Oil Supervisors
. Maintenance Technician
. Mechanical Fitter
. Mechanical Run Test Engineer
. Mechanical Run Test Supervisors
. Mechanical Run Test Technician
. NDT Technician
. Pigging Supervisors
. Pigging Technician
. Pipeline Engineer
. Pipeline Supervisors
. Process Piping Operators
. QA QC Engineer
. Rotating Equipment Supervisors
. Rotating Equipment Technician
. Artificial Lift Engineer

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